Old skool yo! Hoyven Melvin!

User Rating: 7 | Metroid II: Return of Samus GB
I think their going to re-release this game as a classic NES series entry. Who cares? I got the original! I have traded in every last one of my old GB games, except this one. The first time I faced the queen was when a friend let me borrow it. Needless to say, I lost bigtime. It was only later when I learned the pattern that I became a true Jedi.... oh wait. Crap. Sorry, wrong story. I figured out the pattern and destroyed her egg-laying-self and finally beat the thing. What amazes me is that I can go through this game in a few hours and beat it but I still havent beaten Prime. The graphics for back then was the shoot. No other game has that much quality to it. Playing it on my GBA though, it looks kinda weak due to the color. Id rather play it in black & white on a Pocket. The sound for back then was incredible. The music kept playing while you were firing. That was the height of audio back then. After all these years, I can, like I said, beat it in just a few hours. But that doesnt stop me liking it. Even after all these years, this game remains one of my favorites, and in the future, it will still be one of my favorites.