The newest game in the Metroid series brings back some of the oldest conventions and executes them with style.

User Rating: 10 | Metroid: Other M WII
It should be noted that I am a die-hard Metroid. And as a Metroid fan since playing the original NES game in 1987 I can say that Other M delivers one of the most engrossing and fascinating Metroid experiences to date.

At first glance it may seem that series is straying far from the beaten Metroid path when in fact it isn't. Coming off of 8 years f Metroid Prime games the old school feel to Other M seems to juxtapose the brilliance of the Prime trilogy. But don;t mistake "old school" for "dated".

Other M intriduces the best combat and action in the series to date. Fantastic finshers that showcase Samus' ass-kicking cred. Gives us a great location to traverse through the adventure that harkens back to the 2D style of mao layout, and most importantly gives us some of the goods on Samus as a woman with the most revealing and impressive presentation ever seen from Nintendo.

While the game may be short to get the credits to roll (most will beat it in about 12 hours), it is damn near flawless in everything else it executes.