A disastrous waste of time.
The best way to deal with enemies is simply spam all the buttons while running in circles. The game does all the "aiming" for you and doesn't even pretend to prioritize targets. When you need to fire a missile, you are forced to stand still and enter 1st person aiming resulting in the bad guys killing you. Switching to first person aiming is slow and often leaves you aiming in entirely the wrong direction. In my opinion, this back and forth mechanic between first and third person is easily in the top five worst game mechanics of all time, following closely behind the other painfully annoying mechanic in this very game where you are forced to pinpoint a specific pixel on the screen in first person to trigger a cut scene.
The little bits of voice over present are decent quality, although not being allowed to use my abilities until some soldier says so is insulting. An attempt is made at real story, but most of the dialogue feels as though it was lifted straight from a fourth grade book report.
Entire elements are clearly lifted from Super Metroid, but fail to deliver and the whole thing is a very good example of why this style of game design died out.
I would never buy another game from these developers and I hope they are never allowed to touch Metroid again.