A big disapointment ... Combat is totaly disjointed ... Controls silly.

User Rating: 4 | Metroid: Other M WII
I was looking forward to this game. And I am quite disappointed. The first problem is the lack of control precision. Hold the remote sideways and then stop dead in your tracks to aim while they are shooting at you. Replenish health by stopping and pointing up. Shoot in a direction and maybe you might hit what you want. Maneuver your character close in some isometric stupidity and you might trigger an instant kill. None of the controls are precise ... In this game you are never feel like you are in control of the character. Combat is disjointed never smooth. The second problem is the story treats samus like a child and is close to sexist. I like the strong bounty hunter samus not the emo samus who must take orders as to what weapons she can use. Metroid Prime had in right . More of a first person shooter . You felt you were playing as Samus. In Other M its more like you are giving samus hints about what to do.