I was dying for this one to come out. the old school look of the third person view was the best idea ever but... this game is hardly metroid. it is almost entirely linear. the save stations are more like checkpoints and there is no real fun way to go back and collect the powerups you missed. the action is great though. you get a sense of how powerful your weapons are and the enemies explode in spectacular fashion. that's about where i have to draw the line though... contrary to all other metroids, there's no sense of exploration going on, you're simply following the path until the next zone. in fact, you don't even 'find' any major powerups, they are simply given to you/unlocked once you reach a certain point. no chozo statues or lore, or even wondering where you're supposed to go next. huge disappointment for me.
i get that nintendo or tecmo wanted to delve into samus' personality and background, but no thanks. samus comes across as a 15 year old brat, and the other characters are just as cheesy. there doesn't need to be some intruiging storyline for metroid games. we know the plot: samus runs around some awesome new planet, collects awesome stuff, and kills the badguys. the end. i'm playing this until i beat it, then putting it on craigslist or ebay. way to blow it nintendo. if zelda is this bad, my wii will officially become a netflix machine.
-Introduction Metroid: Other M has become a dividing point among fans of the Metroid series. I must admit, I too was on the fence when it came to Other M. The game definitely takes the series in a bold, new direction ... Read Full Review
I'm a huge Metroid fan. Love all of them. I love this one, as well. I've sure plenty of people are in the same boat. I remember playing the Original on the NES, I didn't even know about the one for Gameboy, I played Sup... Read Full Review