a game that tries too do to much accomplishing little.

User Rating: 4 | Metroid: Other M WII
metroid other m is that kind of game in a franchise were the fanbase of the franchise is split apart. zelda had it with the wind waker. but unlike that game, this accomplishes noting of its own.

you start with a lengthy cutscene depicting the end of super metroid, after which you have a quick tutorial on the controls. being forced to use the wiimote ness style isn't all that bad, after 15 min. you are already accustomed to them. there are a lot of complains about why you have to point at the screen to shoot missiles, i suggest that you ignore those people as this is a matter of taste. i personally feel like it spices battles while keeping you from obliterating everything.

in this game you begin with everything (kind of) you had at the end of super, but in order to use them, your superior adam malkovich contacts you whenever you are allowed to use them. again, there is a lot of debate as to the very existence of this feature, just think of it as if whenever you are authorized to use a new weapon, you just got it from a chozo statue. there is no difference whatsoever.
the volcano part gets criticized a lot and, heck, imagine you getting authorized to activate stuff as the environment blocks you. that isn't fun right? it just adds tension to the game and makes you fight to stay alive instead of just patting you in the head for playing the game.

MoM is a very different metroid, it relies on cutscenes to tell its story, they are cheesy, pretentious lenghty and above all, boring. samus got such a bad voice actor, it sounds like she is just reading the script. they are also unskippable unless you had already beat the game. you do get a free 5 min break, so it isn't all that bad.

story wise, this game just makes no sense, there are a lot of insane plot twists, monologue, etc. in the commercials, samus says that she is going to "tell the tale of her past". but the game only explains the plot of fusion (malkovich's death, ridley appearing out of nowhere) never to delve into her childhood and ridley's attack on her homeworld. the chozo aren't mentioned at all. is like this game is a lone island, the plot starts and begins with this game (so no, no MoM trilogy) with a few connections here and there.

this game tried real hard to show samus' human side to the world, but to many it just showed her weak. shw just doesn't believe in her in this outing. she repeats the lines "young and naive......adam" so many times that they themselves represent the vibe of the game. also ridley's mutation don't make any sense, as well as the the deleter plot twist.

to sum it all up, it is definitely a rent, a BAD one at that, the best part might be the fight with ridley. but apart from that, there is little excuse to re play the game.