Metroid: Other M, with this being the newest installment in the series, and for Wii, after the three year wait for a Wii game after Prime we get this fabulous masterpiece of...well....mastery. The game kicks off after the climax of Super Metroid, in other words the beating Samus took from Mother Brain, she finally awakens hearing the fans calls for a new adventure. The story (as i said) takes place after Super Metroid but also before Metroid Fusion to discover Samus's mysterious past with the federation. The story was the most enticing of all Metroid series i've seen in my life, no man or woman even in true bond with their soul's could write a script like this, or a story for that matter and I had my mouth wide open after i saw in the intro the big game name across the screen. The gameplay really isn't as bad as i've heard, it's actually better. Who knew vertical and horizontal could work so well for a Metroid game? Basically it's a 1st person 3rd person action adventure game. The really thing I found bad about gameplay, or the whole game in general is that Samus has every one of her weapons and suit modifications, but they have to be "Authorized" but it's a little the same as Prime since you get them as you go along. Finally the graphics, I was stunned beyond compare with every part of the game's lush scenery or fiery lava or permafrosted ice, this game came big in every way with everything. My final verdict is that any well veteran of the game, new player, fan, or even critic should buy it just to see the mastery of this game.
-Introduction Metroid: Other M has become a dividing point among fans of the Metroid series. I must admit, I too was on the fence when it came to Other M. The game definitely takes the series in a bold, new direction ... Read Full Review
I'm a huge Metroid fan. Love all of them. I love this one, as well. I've sure plenty of people are in the same boat. I remember playing the Original on the NES, I didn't even know about the one for Gameboy, I played Sup... Read Full Review