The decent OST and moderatly fun gameplay do not make up for the long cutscenes and disappointingly low difficulty.
Gameplay: 3/10
ok, the actual gameplay wasn't bad, and by itself would have gotten a better score, but the long and frequent cutscenes almost ruined the expeirience for me. its like you couldnt play for 5 seconds without seeing a 20 minute cutscene. another complaint is that everthing is much too easy. it only took me about 25 hours of play to get 100%. last complaint i have is the annoying, gimmicky, search and find sections. there were actually ocassions where i said "WHAT THE HECK AM I EVEN LOOKING FOR?!?!?" then raegquitted and didnt come back to it for like 5 hours.
Music: 7/10
Most of the new music is average, but still disappointing for a metroid game. the best tracks were the remixes of older metroid tracks (ex. Vs. ridley)
Graphics: 4/10
This game had dissapointing graphics during gameplay ( the graphics were decent during the cutscenes, but who gives a space pirate ball about them?) they were alot worse tha prime 3 and prime trilogy, which was a huge letdown for me.
Plot: 2.5/10
The plot was okay, they just strained the same concepts too much. like they would say something in one cutscene, then in another, 5 minutes later, they would repeat it about 5 times.
Difficulty: 1/10
this was a disgrace on the metroid series in terms of difficulty. the metroid series is known for innovative ways to escape rooms, strategicly challenging boss fights, and barriers that require new upgrades to destroy. This game was just to easy, as soon as you encounter a barrier to your progress, you are granted authority to use that ability (yes authority, samus actually can use all her abilities, but that idiot adam malkovich says she cant use them with out permission) and then, you have hard mode, which is just unreasonably hard (you have to get thorugh the game with 1 energy tank, 5 missles, and only necessary upgrades)
Overall: 3/10
this game is a low point for the metroid series. my advice to nintendo is to let team NINJA go back to making Ninja Gaiden games, and get retro studios back on board with metroid; everyone misses Metroid Prime.