Team Ninja's take on Metroid is certainly meeting and exceeding expectations.

User Rating: 9 | Metroid: Other M WII
With Retro on Donkey Kong, Team Ninja stepped into development for the next Metroid game and they certainly did not disappoint. But, this isn't just a another typical Metroid game. There are some huge changes to this new game. some are for the better, and some are not. First off, Samus, now has a voice, and may I say, it's very well done. some more emotion could have been given, but it doesn't really matter that much. The other change is the gameplay style, not just that it's no longer a first person shooter, it's now a fast paced 3rd person adventure. but what really makes this difference stand out, is Samus's new moves. She can do melee attacks, jump on the back of her enemies and blast their head off and more. Thats not saying there is no first person moments, you can switch views by pointing the wii remote at the screen. You can't move but you can see major details that you couldn't see in 3rd person. As far as atmosphere goes, it's a little toned down in this installment. It doesn't totally affect the game, but it does take away the feeling of being all alone away from the experience. the story progresses well, but there are some parts that you will see coming from the beginning, which isn't a bad thing, it's just different from most Metroid stories. All in all, this is fantastic game with a great combat system, a interesting story and a great use of the wii controls. If you love Metroid, you will love this game. Hands down.