Quite possibly the most underrated and overly critsied masterpeace on the wii.

User Rating: 8.5 | Metroid: Other M WII
Metroid other M may be a low point for the Metroid series but its still a great and enjoyable game I'll give you all the major pros and cons.
+ The Gameplay is oustanding and very creative,
+ The story is well done,
+ Several classic enemys and abilitys return,
+ All the boss fights are extremely well done and Challenging (espically on hard mode),
+ The moves you use to defeat the enemys and bosses are all awsome.
- Its kind of short for a metroid game.
- the overally potrail of Samus (espically in the scene with Ridley).
-the gamebreaking bug which I personally managed to avoid.
-needing authroization to use abilitys espically to use the varia suit while in a volcano was a stupid idea.
Other then that I really enjoyed Metroid Other M and think its a decent Metroid game, and a masterpeace as a stand alone game.