I was so stoked to get my hands on Metroid Prime 2. I called EB games after EB games to get it somehow early. and let me tell you, this is one of the best gamecube titles of 2004. the graphics on the environments were spectacular, but I only found that the collsion detecting after the "getting out of morph-ball animation" was truly afwul, and the graphcis on samus during that animation were nothing compared to MP1's. the music in this game got old after a while. But some tunes were good. the controls were spot on, and pretty much the same as MP1. I just wished this game was as gritty as Metroid Prime 1, and have more of a spooky feeling to it. Overall Metroid Prime 2: Echoes isnt enough to revive the gamecube, but certainly should be in everybodys cube collection.
After playing through this game and spending about 15 hours of my life on it, i would like to say this this was an exellent game. The graphics are phenomenal and the sound is memorable. The gameplay is the best part o... Read Full Review
Gameplay: You are a bounty hunter named Samus Aran sent on a mission to help a race known as the Luminoth. You'll be instructed to find some keys throughtout the world called Aether. However, a meteor hits the Aether a... Read Full Review