This is a game that only people who played the first Metroid Prime would enjoy
User Rating: 9.4 | Metroid Prime 2: Echoes GC
After playing through this game and spending about 15 hours of my life on it, i would like to say this this was an exellent game. The graphics are phenomenal and the sound is memorable. The gameplay is the best part of this whole game. it takes everything that they did right in the first Prime, and made it better. You can use the new Light and Dark Beams at your own will, but you now have to watch your ammo. yes, your light and dark beams have ammo. this may get annoying at times, but it does more good to the game than bad. MP2 is a first person adventure. it also has some platformer elements. It would be better for anyone who is thinking about playing through this game to play through the first Prime. This game's enemies are harder, much harder. the boss are crazy harder too. playing through the first Prime lets you get used to the controls, strategies... etc. This game's overall package is great. i would recommend this game to anyone just as long as they played Metroid Prime.