Brilliant in every possible way, Retro Studios managed to do the impossible and improve on the 3D metroid franchise.
A few years later Metroid Prime 2 comes out. Dark and light worlds? Ammo for your beams? Multiplayer? Sme people were skeptic. By now I know that Metroid Prime 2 is perfect. In every possible way. Wen I turn on Metroid Prime 2 next to any other game I am blown away by the sheer colour and detail Retro Studios has put into this gem. The story line unfolds nicer and smoother then in the original and the action is far better paced. I don't want to spoil anything for those who havent played it or havent finished it but the game is full of surprises and cclever puzzles. Surprisingly the game wasnt as well received as its prequel which surprised me. The multiplayer was also critisised by some who said "it wasnt enough like a shooter". May I bring up at this point that Metroid Prime isnt a shooter but a first person adventure? The multiplayer is fantastic and addictive to the point where a few friends and I spent about 26 hours playing it before i began playing the singleplayer. Althoug to really aenjoy the multiplayer you have to play with people that actually know how to play to a certain extent, the music is as brilliant as in it's prequel and the unlockables are huge in numbers. Metroid Prime 2:Echoes is gaming at its finest. Nothing will beat this game in my opinion. The closest thing will be Twilight princess that may also achieve a perfect score. We will see. Until then, buy this!!! You wont regret it!