Not as good as the first, and in some spots it ain't even fun.

User Rating: 7 | Metroid Prime 2: Echoes GC
Metroid Prime was a hit, possibly the best game on the Game Cube. Prime 2 had huge expectations, to some they were met, to others not so much. While there isn't that much wrong with it, in some spots it seems there's just no fun to be had.

The story plants you on an investigation on planet Aether. When you arrive the Federation soldiers you were supposed to be investigating are all apparently dead. As you continue you run into a strange creature named U-Mos, one of the last surviving Luminoths. He will explain that Aether has been split into two dimensions, light, and dark. The creatures responsible for this are the Ing, and are on the verge of victory. U-Mos asks you to help his cause by going into the dark dimension and take back the stolen power of the light world.

The controls are pretty much the same and the only major gameplay change is that your beams have ammo (ugh). You get three beams along the way. The light beam, which fires rapidly, and has a burning effect. The dark beam, which fires slowly, and has a freezing effect. The third and final is the annihilator beam which uses both ammos and has a mixed effect. I'm pretty sure all of the last prime game's upgrades are in this one (except beams and visors). Instead of your thermal and x-ray visor, you get a dark, and echo visor. The dark visor acts pretty much the same as the x-ray visor works, by allowing you to see objects you normally couldn't see. The echo visor on the other hand allows you to see echoes. Err I'm not sure how that works but whatever. Anyway, some doors are locked by echoes (huh?) and you must shoot the origin of the echoes to unlock them.

The only other upgrade (besides suits) I can think of that's new is the screw attack, which happens to be the best part of the game in my opinion. It allows you to extend your jump up to 5 times, making for some fun canyon sized jumps. You can also jump off walls in some areas.

So all this praise, and where's the main flaw? The beginning is what ticks me off. You lose all your powers AGAIN!!!1!11! You'd think Samus would of learned! That is just my personal opinion about that matter though. The other main flaw, is that in some spots, you're just not having much fun. I don't know maybe it's just me, but I don't find near endless backtracking all that fun. Exploring new areas was quite enjoyable, but you can only see the same room so many times until it gets old.

Well that's my two cents on this game, not all that bad, but not all that good at the same time.