if you doesn't have this game you need to buy it
the guns are normal, dark, light, and annihilator the anihilator is the combination of thr light and dark beams. one thing i love was that you can scan the mousters and the bosses with this you can identify the mopunster or boss debillities.
this game is hard i last like 23 hours for me to finish the game with the 92% of the items collected and the 95%of scans. this game is the best game of first person view and i love the morf ball of samus is the best.
samus has some attacks as the srew attack, the bomb and the power bomb, missiles and the beams. the suits are awesome they are very useful because reduces damage of the boss and mounsters and also reduces damage of dark aether.
the battles versus the boss are great because you need inteligence for identifying the debilities of each boss and you also need velocity for avoiding the beams and the attacks of bosses and if you defeat the boss you will gain an abillitie.
so if you doesn't have this game you need to buy it and you will see this perfect game.