Not quite as good as Metroid Prime but still an enjoyable game.
The problems come when you look at the story and the light/dark aspect which would seem to be cool until you find out how confusing it is. The story is all but non-existent and uninspired. The little there is must be read which detracts form the experience. The light and dark world aspect is convoluted and requires too much aimless wandering around until you stumble on what youre supposed to do next. The new weapons and visors are also no good. The ammo system is faulty and frustrating making the new beams useless until almost the end of the game and the visors are worthless except in a few situations. So unlike the last game where everything had its use you spend the whole game in combat visor with charge beam except to solve certain puzzles.
Again the game is not bad by any means. Just disapointing next to its predecessor. Also the multiplayer may as well not exist.