One of the best shooters on gamecube or any other system.

User Rating: 10 | Metroid Prime 2: Echoes GC
One of the best games for Gamecube. And it is as a really good looking game as well.

The graphics as just Beutiful to look at just like the last Metroid Prime game. No flaw in the Graphics department at all. The different effects are really nice in the game making it feel real. Like in some games, you could almost jump into the world seemlessly.

The sound is still very solid. The music is still very good in the game and no like chessy space music at all. The enviroment sounds work perfectly in the game. It is all good in the sound department.

The gameplay is still good. The controls are not really that hard to figure out. Still sometimes have trouble jumping because you are in first person view. LIke doing the multiplayer once in a while. Gameplay works well here.

I am looking forward to the Metroid Prime Hunter. The part I am looking forward to the most is the wifi Multiplayer. The single player is OK, but multiplayer is the reason to get it to battle againest players around the globe.

Still a little curious about Metroid Prime 3. Know very little of the game, but it will be easier to play with the Nintendo Revolution Controller.