Metroid Prime 2: Echoes revolutionizes how the Gamecube really is.

User Rating: 9.1 | Metroid Prime 2: Echoes GC
When I first heard about this game, I was truly overexcited. As it is, part 1 was incredible, and now I hope to enjoy a part 2 in this series, and guess what, I did in every single way. Everything in this game comes to an absolute perfect, except sound, which could've easily been done better, but nontheless, it's a solid title. Graphics. Man oh man, how can I get started on a game that has every little bit of detail in the game look astounding. From the trees, to the shrubs, to the enemies, everything looks like it was worked on for hours. The cut-scenes are beautiful, playing the game is beautiful, and just watching it makes you want to consider on what you might say on the Gamecube's "puny" graphics. The sound on the OK. Nothing else I can really say, except that it could've been done better and should have newer tunes that no one would expect in a game like this. Value of the game is good. I definately recommend to rent it first, mainly because some people don't like how the first person shooting in this game is like, but for me, being a huge first-person shooter fan, I enjoy how they made this game look, and play. Definately worth every penny in my book. If the game was slated at a $59.99 price or higher, I would still get it. It's that good. As for Tilt goes, you'll be wanting to play it over and over again, but you'll get so disappointed at times, that you'll turn it off and not play for hours. That's how everyone feels about games now-a-days, but you'll eventually get over it and go back to play it alot more and see what you've been missing out on. Overall, the game is great and highly addictive. Definately worth every penny, but should be considered to be rented first, before you buy. I'm not going to put that as my classification, because I know most of you won't even think of renting it first, you'll just go out and buy it. I just want to point out one main thing, if you like first person shooters, your just a Nintendo freak, or your looking for a great game for Gamecube, this game is definately were your going to be looking at.