be the ultamite metroid!!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Metroid Prime 3: Corruption WII
This game is amazingly well made! There are some very great aspects of this game but really shines the most are the controls. I am glad to see a console is getting closer to the fluidity offered by PC gaming when it come to FPS. On the advanced settings the controls are smooth and take no time getting use to if you have been playing PC FPS the last 20 or so years. I personally have only used the lock on feature a handful of times when engaging a foe in battle. In other reviews I read about a few problems with some of the other motion controls. I experianced no problems. All of the context sensative controls worked smooth and have encountered no problems when jumping in the morphball form. Perhaps my wii is set up just right for my tv and room. (I do suggest to all wii owners going into the settings and adjusting distance from wii settings to fine tune your wii-mote, those that visit my home always mention how much more precise my wii seems and I show them how to adjsut the sensativity in the wii menu and they all have had better playing experiances with their own wiis.)
Enough about the contorls. The game is atmospheriaclly stunning, the art direction really shines. Once again Retro has created a wolrd that seems to really be living and breathing. Animations are of the best quality and really make all the beings belieavable.
The game clips along at a very smooth 60 frames, I noticed a dip twice through out the game.
The story is not amazing but it serves its purpose and wraps things up nicely! It is hard to delve into this further without ruining what you will find on your own.
Should you buy this game? I got it yesterday afternoon. Got home and played it straight till this morning. That is how much I enjoyed it! I have sent countless screen shots to my freinds wii's saying, "YOU should be playing this!"
I am a huge metriod fan and have loved the Prime series. I am sd to see it come to a close but it certaintly ended on a high note! If you are a FPA/FPS fan and love the metriod world i highly suggest picking up this game. If you have never played a Metriod game before I beleave this is the perfect game to start with. You won't know the back story but after playing this game you will catch the metriod fevor!