The most complete Wii game to date.

User Rating: 10 | Metroid Prime 3: Corruption WII
So far most (if not all) games for Wii while being good have felt either half done or like some big exparament. And while Metroid Prime 3 Corruption is just that, an exparrement , it doesn't feel like it. i have been a fan of metroid for a very long time but i think i still keep an open mind. the only reason my review differs from that of Game Spot is that 1: i played it on veteran, they played on easy, so for me it was the hardest of the 3, for them it was easiest. 2 I don't think its fair to say "it got a lower score because its a sequal" which is what game spot did. thats basicly it so...... stop reading and go buy this game NOW!!!!
if this review made you buy the game then send me some friend vouchers!
if you don't have (or want) a Wii then this game may not be for you as it does rely very hevily on Wii's unique abilities.
All in all just a great game.