Its not as good as I thought it would be, but its still a complete must-have for the Wii
Awesome gameply thanx to the Wii's unique controller, but there is one annoying little flaw. Sometimes the lock-on messes up with enemies that move too much (sometimes it messes up with enemies that are stationary). Also, holding Z to lock on for extended periods of time can cause stress on your hand. Retro Studios should have made it so that you only have to hit Z once to lock on, press it and hold it and use the control stick to scroll through enemies, and tap it to end the lock on. It would have made things a litle easier for the players.
Graphics=9 Beatiful game, with great enviroments. I was playing on an old 27" TV and it looked great, I cant imagine how it looks on a HD set. However, I just didnt think it deserved a perfect 10 on the category
Sound=9 Great background music that really sets the mood, and the sound effects are right on. Also, the opening theme and the tune that plays when you get out of your ship never gets old
Value=9 Its only around 20 hours long, but it feels much more than that because of how the game manages to immerse you. However, its way too easy. I didnt play the first two, I chose the Veteran setting, and I only died 3 times in the entire game. And those 3 time where in special events (protect something from harm, get out in a limited amount of time, etc.), not in actual fighting.
Tilt=9 This category would have gotten a perfect thing even after the little flaws but one major flaw got in the way. I call it "At the door loading". Its exactly whgat it says. When Samus gets to certain doors and tries to open them, there is a delay, which means the game is loading. At the start of the game this was a very minor problem, only happening rarely on some doors. But as I progressed through the game it got worse and worse, until it got to the point where most doors had "At the door loading". It really annoying, especially when you're excited to get somewhere, or you are trying to escape from annoying attackers (Metroids are as annoying as ever). One a side note that has no influnce on the score of the tilt, I think there is no Learning Curve. I say this beacuse throughout the ENTIRE game, I kept fumbling with the controls for some reason. I kept going into Hypermode when I intended to switch visors, and I kept going to the visor switch screen when I wanted to go to the map. It takes like a half hour to learn the controls, but you're going to keep messing up with them forever (or it may have just been me).
So thats it. Even though it has around 3 minor flaws and one big flaw, this is still a must-have for any Metroid fan and Wii owner. Too bad this is the last one, if Retro Studios managed to fix the flaws with a brand new adventure, they would've had an even bigger hit on their hands