GameSpot You Don't Know What You Taking About The Graphics is great and is one for the best games to Date!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Metroid Prime 3: Corruption WII
When I first started to play this game I notice the lightning effects was difinitely better then the one's on gamecube the action in the game is top notch There also talking through the game were in other primes 1-2 didn't have. Plus I love the controls in the game retro studios have did a good job with it ,this time you can use the grapple bream to knock out blocked areas in the game there's so many things you can do in the game one of the things that this game does what the other two dosen't is it more active instead of always shooting doors to open them up there a part when you use the remote and you have to push forward and turn to activate the door that's the one feature I loved other then that this game is a must by I repeat a must by and game this score need to go up a bit!