Metroid Prime 3 is a fantastic close to an amazing series and a revolution to FPS and the Wii itself. MP3 is an easy 9.0

User Rating: 9 | Metroid Prime 3: Corruption WII
MP3 easily transition onto the Wii with both finesse and awe. From the opening scene the lighting effects and attention to detail bring to life the environment more than ever before on any FPS around. The boom lighting is mocked and the Wii the same, but past its hated creator the System allows for a smooth 64 frame per sec rate that flows beautifully, with a slight delay when you open some doors, no game kill though, the game loses no points for that.
Yes, this is the only FPS-(ADVENTURE) game to not suck. Period. Retro Studios got it right the first time. the controls feel perfect, and the Free-lock feature helps aid alien expulsion much faster and more killer proficiently. The 20 plus hours of gameplay are packed. MP3 in all its splendor gets a 9.0.

My only negative points.
Turn-around speed should be faster:-4
Slightly more linear, mostly because of the controller, and how you obtain Upgrades, thatn previous Prime titles:-6
A multi player between all the hunters would be cool, I am not asking for co-op at all mind you: no fault, it just still might of been cool,-0