The third gme in the prime trilogy.
That will get quite a bit of items early in the game changing them will be the wii-remote controll pad rockets that is and other things you get in the game. You'll also get the grapple beam fairly early as well. You'll have to use a lot more things with it than just swinging around. It can be used to swing around,break some things like door type things.
Also the sound in the game is fairly decent but I kind of liked the first games soundtrack more than this one so there could have been more improvements on it. Overall the game is fairly good so retro studios did a good job. But the first metroid prime still reigns supreme between the three games. That there is some unlockables in the game which you have to scan things and go to the one area and buy them so happy scanning. That this game is recommendable especially if you played the last two metroid prime games.