Doesn't exactly give you the same eerie feeling while playing, but still a stellar game on Wii
The first thing one may notice when playing: you're not alone. Samus, as surreptitious as she might be, will constantly interact with others on this experience. Although this may seem, to the long-time Metroid fan, startling at first, I learned to grow on to the fact that there were others in the game (and sometimes thankful for the fact that they were there to save my hide). Next, one will feel, as IGN described, that Corruption will have have a very "cinematic" ambience to it; there are always cutscenes when travelling, discovering new areas, and of course, completeing major objectives. Also, one will find that among Samus's entire arsenal of doom, she will be able to control her ship! FINALLY! This was the break I had been waiting for since Prime 1, for I felt that the ship has some major potential in solving puzzles. Enough with the new stuff, however, let's get down to the nitty-gritty.
Graphics: Corruption is a very clean, beautiful game. The use of bloom lighting is incredible in some areas, as is the use of particle effects. Similar bells and whistles are littered throughout the game, and really enhance the "first-person" experience. The textures have been improved from those of Prime 1 and Prime 2, but not by much. The art direction, however, is amazing, and it covers for more than what the technical limitations may take away in terms of visuals.
Sound: Same old same old. I've never actually grown used to Metroid's sound effects; I usually play the game in mute (in many parts of the game, however, there is barely any sound at all, so why bother...) At least explosions sound like explosions, and footsteps sound like footsteps. There's no orchestra here.
Gameplay: Championed the game. If there is a God, be glad he sent to Earth this Wiimote (eh, at least until WM+ is out for retail). The control is extremely sharp and the game as a whole is very responsive. The lock-on feature is innovative and extremely appealing: although you do not truly lock-on, a target is formed around your enemy and you simply point and shoot with the Wiimote. Very satisfying moving target practice.
Replay Value: Not much to say here, but moreso than the previous two games (Prime 2 had a useless multiplayer feature, don't even start with that). There are many rewards and "acheivements" that can be earned throughout the game. These range from artwork to bobbleheads; the game awards the player with tokens that the player can spend to attain cool collectibles. You can show these off to friends as well.
Final thoughts: This game is one of the best single-player experiences on the Wii, hands down. A must-have for Wii owners who are serious about gaming on their console. For those of you looking for a satisfying adventure/shooter/puzzle game, the Gods have answered your prayers.
This is singh_it_to_me, and I'm peacin' out.