Not the best...

User Rating: 7.5 | Metroid Prime 3: Corruption WII
I don't get it. Everyone tells me how good this game is, but its really not that great. It was even in the finals for a game of the year contest. Good, but kinda boring. Its lacks what other shooter have. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something bothered me about this game. The story line failed, you only have one weapon, and you just kinda felt alone while playing - like there was nobody talking or communicating with your character. I found myself wishing to end this game quickly. Sure, the puzzles were fun and challenging, but the shooting just seemed boring. It just seems like any other boring shooter. Samus not saying a word once in the game didn't help either - but its Samus, right? And backtracking! I hate mandatory backtracking! Especially when you have to search a whole level just to find a small item. I found myself banging my head against the wall to find an energy cell. The good part was the start up menu. It had really cool music (like Halo) and an awesome art style. If it hadn't been for the coolness of the Wii controls, this game would have recieved a lower score from me.