An awesome game. If you own a Wii, you should play this game.

User Rating: 9 | Metroid Prime 3: Corruption WII
I have to admit that I was hooked from the beginning. Almost everything in the game is top-notch. The graphics and good (for the Wii). The artwork and the "alienness" of the worlds is superb. You will definitely feel like this is not a human-based environment. The music is haunting and will give you chills at times. The controls make excellent use of the Wii remote. The storyline engaging. This game has it all.

The only drawback I would complain about is the final boss battle. It is too frustrating. After 20 hours of game play I'm ready to wrap things up. I've survived a lot and don't need a frustration fest. However, it isn't nearly as bad as other games I've played (read my review of Castlevania). It only took me about 8 tries to complete the three-stage boss battle. Not too bad, but man, was my thumb sore!

I would HIGHLY recommend the game.