Best FPS For The DS

User Rating: 9.7 | Metroid Prime: Hunters DS
Like most of the DS games. This games has great mulitplayer, and also if your a die hard fan in siangle player mode you can use the scanner to get a 100%, or you can just beat the games. Also the games puzzles are pretty hard. It's a little hard to get use to the styuls, but in the long run it's the best way to go. Also the levels you unlock in the mulitplayer mode are not as easy as just beaing the game you have to put some good amount of game time into it. Which helps you find out if you like the game or no, and the music is the same classic from the GameCube versions. The storyline is great and keeps you guessing and woundering. Graphis wise it's about the same for most DS games nothing specail about them.