As someone who just started playing the Metroid Prime games, I'm very impressed

User Rating: 9.4 | Metroid Prime: Hunters DS
Wow is one way to describe this game, Coolio is another the list can go on about this great game but we have to review.The gameplay of this game is one of the best I've seen on the Ds. It has unique controls that are often hated but seems to only impress me. The graphics are even more amazing than the gameplay. The enviroments were beautiful,the enemies were nicely done,the cutscenes were great,and the weapons,lasers,etc actually looked real. The sound was also done great because all the sound effects went with whatever you were doing. This game will last you long due to the long story and because of Wi-Fi, of course.The only downfall about the game is that you verse the same 2 enemies every other level, the only difference is that its stronger than the last. The reson this is a downfall is because it gets kind of annoying and if your a person like me that likes variety than your not going to be happy. So overall I'd say pick this game up if you don't have it because you'll enjoy it as much as me.