This game is all about Multi Player, If you arent gonna play Multiplayer you might as well forget this game.
I found this game not so great compared to other metroid games. Thats just the singleplayer. The multiplayer is great though. Im gonna break down the multiplayer to single player in the game.
Graphics are the same for both.....not that good. I was unimpressed with the graphics. They were a bit.....foggy. I dont think they even compared to the other two primes.
Gameplay is bad for singleplayer. the quest isnt even that great. Its too easy for me too. I played through it twice and then tried the multiplayer. That was worth it. I found it a challenge playing others at first, but then i caught on. Now im a 5 star hunter(best). Its really good.
The sound was OK in this game. Wasnt that bad, wasnt that good. i give it a 7/10.
The value depents on what you play. Single player=little value
multiplayer=HUGE VALUE.
Note that my rating is Based on the multiplayer side.
I hope this was helpfull