This one isn't so Prime.
Let's start with the single player mode. In order to unlock the rest of the Hunters you need to play through this long boring get-to-here-then-kill this boss-get shiny thing-and run formula that plagues the entire single player mode. The game uses the same bosses over and over again and just gives them a new colouring scheme and stronger attacks. Now this game is called Hunters but when the other Hunters do show up your only treated to a five second cut scene and thats it. It seems like the game could careless about these other characters. The boss fights are relatively simply and after you defeat them you must escape to your ship before the timer runs out but if you don't make it to the ship in time.....nothing major happens except you have to start over. That's it. You don't lose any upgrades, just start over. Lame.
This game is pretty for a DS game if though it suffers from slighty pixalation issues. The controls are intuitive and you can select from up to four different control schemes depending on your play preferences. You can get more weapons other than Samus' standard cannon and missiles but multiplayer is where this game really shines.
Metroid Prime Hunters has a good amount of multiplayer modes such as the standard deathmatch to other things like protecting nodes to gain points and capture the flag. The game uses the DS Wifi connection aswell as supporting multi and single cart play.
If you want a shooter for your DS Metroid Prime Hunters is the best of the bunch but that really isn't saying much. With a bad single player mode the multiplayer is the only redeeming part of this game.