Entertaining, but ur hand will start to ache!!
This is due to Samus not having the ability to lock onto her enemies, leaving the player to use the stylus to aim her weapon. (There are other control methods, but the control method I use is stylus aiming, so im only going to review it on this mode of control). Using the stylus to control where Samus looks, basically makes the game more focused on aiming. This is both a good and bad thing as; using the stylus to aim simply feels fantastic, as precise as a mouse but for some reason it feels more fluid and generally more fun to use than a mouse. Sensitivity can also be changed allowing the gamer to look around as fast as they want. Usually gamers will slowly adjust aiming speed as they get more used to the stylus controls. The bad point of using the stylus to aim is; after about an hour of gameplay, ur stylus hand does start to feel numb and a little achy after extended gameplay. Personally, i don't view this as much of a problem, because the number of benefits you gain from the stylus out-weighs the negatives you gain from it.
Graphics for the game are really very nice, ive heard people call this game ugly and I really don't understand why. It looks perfectly acceptable and you find yourself absorbed into the world of Metroid and when the gameplay kicks in you find yourself experiencing a game like no other yet created.
Overall what I have to say is: This game is absolutly fantastic. Seriously. However, some hardcore Metroid fans will not appreciate the linear style levels and some gamers see the game as ugly (I have to say this is mainly PS3 fanboys as the only thing they seem to focus on is graphics - no offence intended, this is simply what I have found out by talking to PS3 fans.) I would say, because of the hugely diverse amount of opinions on this game AND because of the brand spankin new controls I would recommend any hardcore gamer that owns a DS to experience this new style of gaming, it is not something you want to miss. This game aint for everyone to enjoy, but by god I think its awesome.
(Those unsure about getting this game, borrow it off a friend or play it at a nintendo booth or sumthin, you REALLY cant miss out on playin this game!!)