metriod prime the best or the wrost game no wait theres no comptainchin its the best
- Battlehammer: strong calibur weaponry
- Judicator: Fires Super-cooled Plasma below zero temperature
- Magmual: Fires Super-Heated Magma
- Omega Cannon: Strongest weapon in the game required to beat gorea 2(final boss)
- Shock Coil: Fires high density of Electrical Neutrinos
- Volt Driver: Shoots high voltage bursts that disrupts the Combat visor
- Imperialist: Fires a thin lethal lazar equiped with a zoom fuction for long distances
In Multiplayer Mode
Each hunter has there own abilty with there choice of weapon
- Samus;(Missles) If Missles are charged its serves as a homing device
- Kanden;(Volt Driver) if this is charged it homes in slowly on any target
- Spire;(Magmual) if charged it can send enemies to burn and lose energy
- Sylux;(Shock Coil) if shot at target it can suck life and replenish his own
- Trace;(Imperialist) If equiped, he turns invisible
- Noxus;(Judicator) If charged, it can freeze players. but has short range.
- Weavel;(Batllehammer) This can make a small explosion for higher damage
There are two types of bosses, although they get a bit harder
- Cretaphid: types; V1,V2,V3,V4
- Slench: types;1A,1B, 2A,2B,3A,3B,4A,4B
- Gorea, the final boss
- Gorea Arm
- Seal Sphere
Like i said, Metroid is a perfect game for every Nintendo ds user, I Highly reccomend it.
ps. if your cheating i'm out to get you with my codes i hate cheaters so i give them a tast of there medicen
metriod prime hunter name: ...