Great game, has a good single player game and an even better multi-player, but there are some bad things...
In the game there are two main parts that are both very enjoyable, the single player story and the multi-player.
The single player story, you take the role of Samus and are out to get the ultimate weapon/power of an ancient race that is now long gone. In your quest you will go to four different worlds and in typical Metroid fashion you will be going back and forth once you acquire new weapons to open up other areas of the world. However, you are not alone in your quest there are 6 other bounty hunters that are trying to get it before you and throughout your journey you will have to fight them numerous times. For a first run-through it should take about 10 hours.
The multi-player, there are three modes to play; single card play, multi-card play and wi-fi play. Sadly, I have not been able to play the single card play, but I would imagine that it is limited in the scope of play from the other fields. Now, multi-card play allows you to play against friends as well as bots which is great because this allows you to get some games in without having to have any friends around. So even if you don't have any friends with a DS and/or a wi-fi connection you can still enjoy the multi-player experience that is very similar to that of Unreal and Quake Arena. Wi-fi is a little bit of a pain, without knowing anyone on and just Nintendo's matchmaker service you can only play deathmatch and most of the time you get made up with 1 or 2 other people and it takes some time to get matched up. Now with friends codes you are able to join each others games and can play with a variety of modes offered such capture the flag, 'prime hunter' ect.
Lastly, I just want to touch on the controls, they are excellent and provide precision that is unmatched outside of the PC, there is price though your hands cramp up like crazy and it does take a while to get use to it.
Overall, Metroid Prime: Hunters lives up to the hype and is a great addition to anyone's DS library.