By far one the best games if not the best game ever to come to the ds..

User Rating: 10 | Metroid Prime: Hunters DS
Metroid Prime: Hunters has all the little things that'll make you wanna keep playing the game..the moment you start playing it, you're hooked..well it happened to me..and a lot of other people..

The graphics in this game has never been seen on the ds's simply has all the details that you'll expect on a console..such as footstep sounds, and light relections on samus as a morph ball...

The gameplay is awesome also...the touch screen gives you so much accuracy..the best way to play a FPS on an handheld...and if you don't like using the touch screen, there are other ways of controlling the you can change he control scheme to several different things...about 4 or 5 different control types...

I honestly didn't expect the sound to be this good..that's all that needs to be said..

The best part of the game is the multiplayer and the wi-fi...especially the wi-fi...which is capable of you can talk to your opponents before and after games...just press X to talk..

I recommend this game to any ds owner..if you like shooting games of course..