Best game on DS sience Mario Kart DS

User Rating: 9.8 | Metroid Prime: Hunters DS
The DS game of all DS games is here and Metroid Prime: Hunters is its name. From the controls to the difficulty to the Graphics that defy DS' capabilities this game is incredible. If you have a DS and pass up the option to get this game I would have to shake my finger at you and no one wants that.
The graphics in the game-play are very well done and the cut-scenes surpass many console graphics. There are just the right amount of eye pleasing cut-scenes through out the game to make a player have that tingly feeling. That just might be me but what ever.
The game-play and controls are very easy to catch on to and are very well set up. Unless you are horrible with the stylus than you should be fine. There are a variety of different climates and themes a lot like its older siblings. This game is overall very true to the Metroid series. The new characters aka the bounty hunters are fantastic additions to the game.
This is true especially when it comes to the Wi-Fi and the multi-card and single-card play. These are both high points in this game especially the online play it's incredibly constructed and that’s that.
You most definitely should get this and not just because I’ll wag my finger at you if you don't even though I will.