One word.... MULTIPLAYER. I'm not saying that the single player isn't fun... but honestly the whole reason I was playing single player was so that I could face and beat hunters to unlock them for multiplayer. This game is a must have for multiplayer lovers and especially if you have Nintendo WiFi connection. The whole rival system is pretty well done. Even if you don't have WiFi I'd still recommend this game to any DS owner. The single player IS fun and the whole new weapon system will keep you coming back for more, and also the idea of multiple planets is a good idea. After you've defeated each hunter on their respective planets, whenever you go to a planet there are different hunters searching for your Octiliths. So keep them safe!! This is a great game... so go buy it if you have DS!!!
Metroid Prime Hunters is the second game from the series to bring the metal-encased heroine Samus Aran to the Nintendo DS, and the first full-fledged adventure to appear on the system. This time she is going out on a mis... Read Full Review
I am writing this review from A member of a forum who happens to have the game. Metroid Prime Hunters is the best DS game so far. The title screen is Amazingly good and i found myself re-watching the intro movie hundred... Read Full Review