awesome graphics,multiplayer,weaponsAWESOME GAME so what are you waiting for go and get it

User Rating: 9.3 | Metroid Prime: Hunters DS
metroid prime hunters is an awesome game.its has truly superb graphics for the ds and the cutscenes are amazing and has a good multiplayer (more on that in a bit).the story is decent and the amount of collectable weapons and health,ammo and rocket expansions will keep you searching.if u want 2 get 100% uve got 2 remember 2 scan anything and everything.these 2 things,if ur a perfectionist,will keep u coming back and lengthen ur total play time.

The new hunters that are brought into the story are playable in multiplayer,wich is either local or wifi playable.the local has more options but the wifi is just plain fun.the hunters are unlocked by beating them in either story or against someone online or local.

i supppose the only bad points 2 the game is the repeated bosses and the pointlessrunning from the planet/station as they dont blow up and u have 2 come back.otherwise its a great game some areas are frustrating but what game dosent have parts like that