Nintendo has done it once again.

User Rating: 9.3 | Metroid Prime: Hunters DS
Metroid Prime Hunters is the next game in Nitendo's Metroid series. In the game, you take on the role as Samus Aran, who has been asigned to track the source of mysterious messages coming from the Alibic Cluster. Now Samus must find the Octolith whic conatain messages. The Octolith carry some ultimate power that some other bounty hunters are after.

You adventure off into planets with in the area. The planets contain artifacts wich help you get to the boss. Once you collect the three artifacts, you enter a poratl where you will go past a 2 huge doors and fight the bosses. When you beat the bosses you gain a Octolith, which the other hunters will try to take from you, by killing you. You'll go through 4 planets,each containg 2 Octolith
Your mane weapons are your Power Beam and Missle Launcher. Along the way you'll find more weapons that each have there own perpus. Alongside your guns, you have Morph Ball Mode. Samus roles up into a small ball and lays bombs.
The controlls are fairly simple in the game. First off, there is dual-mode left ,where you use the D-Pad to move your gun/look around , the face buttons to move and R to shoot .Dual-Mode Right is the samething as left except everything is reversed. Stlus Mode Left is where you use the the stulus to move your gun/look and the face buttons to move. Sylus Mode Right is the reversed version of Stylus Mode Left.

Multiplayer in this game is crazy fun. When you do Download Play, the only game option to do is Battle. In Multiplayer or Wifi, you have a verity of games such as Deffender,Nads and good old Death Match.

Metroid Prime Hunters is a game which will take you about a few weeks to beat if you play an hour or two a day. This game is well werth your money.