Futuristic weaponry and new Hunters ONE GREAT COMBINE!!!All you metroid and FPshooter lovers you better buy that game!
Furthermore the Wi-Fi service gives a lot of credit to the game.I mean I haven't finished the adventure mode cause i've been playing on the net!Well the Wi-Fi has also added more types of communication like last i talked with the Volp service to Canada and just think that i come from Greece and there were no glitches in his voice!Anyway chatting with a keyboard in froont of you has also been added.Through the multiplayer games you get ranked.Ther is Bounty ,Super ,Elite ,Legendary and one more rank.And this all so that you can check with which player you are going against!There is also the available choice of adding someone to your rival list after a random game in the net and that just for you to see their stats and they yours!
The wireless game consists of single card play and multi card play!On both you get to play on any level or stage you want but on single card the guest doesn't get to choose a hunter, he/she only gets to experience the famous Bounty Hunter Samous Aran!Any wireless game you play updates your Hunter License or even better your profile.
More about the adventure mode..............it is just the way anyone would expect it to be.................alien enemies on unpopulated planets and haunted space stations where other hunters go to find the same thing you are searching!Through the game you will experience the greatest quest ever for Samous cause you will see dozens of new enemys and Hunters!The only bad thing about the adventure mode is that you get to travel to the same places twice and even for a third time!!!
In conclusion i have to add that it is worth the wait and worth the 45euros or dollars you are going to spend for it.But you better also play on Wi-Fi and experience the ultimate HUNTING!!!!!See ya in my next reviews!