This Metroid game is seriously......coo.

User Rating: 10 | Metroid Prime: Hunters DS
I was surprised to see how great and awsome the graphics on the DS is with this game. There isnt even any bugs! Thats flippin awsome! Single player is really cool, it gets hard at times, but then you find out just by blasting around a bit. The online multiplayer with NIntendo Wi-Fi is awsome. Up to 4 people can play against each other and its like energy bullets flying everywheree, and your like, whoa, and the other person is like whoa and stuff. Also, when you register your friends friend code, and when you guys play online, you can talk to each other by pressing the "X" button! Its really cool, and also there is the messageing also. You can add rivils to your list after you fight them after a game and stuff, this game is really cool, any DS owner should have this.