Samus is on her great adventure on the DS.

User Rating: 10 | Metroid Prime: Hunters DS

My 113th review after Sly 2: Band of Thieves.

Wow, this is a definitely one of the most terrific, awesome, and best games ever made for the DS. It really looks great when I saw the commercial and played the demo of this game. I really need to get this game. It's fun and addictive and it is going to get an A++! Here the results:

Gameplay 10/10: Terrific and fun adventure makes this one of the greatest DS game ever! There is also secrets and unlockables to find. Although there are problems such the level designs and repeating the bosses over and over again.

Graphics 10/10: Pretty nice, that's one word to describe!

Controls 9/10: At first the controls can be pretty awkward but they can become really superb once you get the hang of it! Another problem is that there is no lock-on system

Sound/Music 10/10: Same as the previous Metroid Prime titles! It's also amazing and kick-*beep*!

Lasting Appeal 10/10: The most funnest DS game ever made!

Overall, Metroid Prime: Hunters is one of the best, most breathtaking DS games ever made. It is desperately a must for all DS owners like me.

The Good:

-Awesome multiplayer like Metroid Prime 2

-Superb controls

-Terrific and fun gameplay and exploration

-One of the few first-person shooters for the DS

-Amazing, kick-*beep* soundtrack

The Bad:

-Level designs can have problems

-Bosses repeat

-Lack of lock-on system

Well I'm done. Good night everyone! That's the end of my review!

Metroid Prime: Hunters gets a 10 out of 10!
