Metroid Prime: Hunters The Hunt Is On

User Rating: 9.2 | Metroid Prime: Hunters DS
Metriod Prime is the best first eprson shooter that has been released for the Gamecube and the sequel was just as good. Nintendo then tried to make another but for the DS -Hunters-(obviously) and I'm glad they did.

This game is amazing. It is set over numerous worlds which each hold 2 of the artifacts which you need to collect called Octiloths. Metriod doesn't make it easy though as you can only get one of these each time you visit as you unlock new weapons needed to unlock doors on later planets. Once you collect an Octiloth a countdown timer starts for you to escape in but this is easialy done as they give you too much time. It sounds easy but it is made much harder by the 6 bounty hunters that strole the worlds looking to kill you and capture the Octiloths for themselves.

The gameplay on a handheld first person shooter hasn't been this good. You move with the directional pad (you can adjust it so it is left handed to) and shoot with L. This keeps one hand busy while the other uses the stylus to aim at possible targets. When you watch someone play this it looks like it is uncomfortable but it isn't. You can change weapons easily by just one touch of the stylus. (from missiles to the sub-weapons).
Morph ball mode is easy to use aswell. You press a button and then just move with the D-Pad and bomb with L.
Also scanning is back and by scanning everything you learn of the planets history and the mysterious power.

The graphics are quite possibly the best for DS so far as it has numerous environments like Volcanoes & Ice Lairs each with thier own characteristics. The sound is very similar to the brilliant Gamecube music. It also changes depending on how dangerous the situation is. (when you meet another hunter)

By far the best bit about this game is the multiplayer. 4 player multiplayer between DS's by either single-pak play, multi-pak play or Nintendo Wi-Fi. It is pariticulary good as you unlock new areanas and upgrade you Hunter Licence. When you're on a role you won't want to put your DS down.

Overall I belive this game is good value for money and long enough to keep you occupied. It isn't too difficult either so anybody can play it without getting stressed.

If you own a DS it's a must.