This is the real 'Mission Clear' for retro studios

User Rating: 10 | Metroid Prime Trilogy WII
Oddly enough, people who play things like Call Of Duty on the wii exclaim how bad it is because of the graphix and controls and so. To them a first person shooter on the wii is a completely ridiculus idea. Well...This game totaly disproves that and I will explain why.

3 games. One disc. £30. Video game heaven. And hell were those games good. Each one as atmospheric as the last, they defined shooters and all the're worth. I could go into every element of this game and praise it. In fact, I will

.Graphix - Perfect. I personally don't care too much for graphix really, but the ones on this game are spectacular. Also giving that Prime 1 and Prime 2 have been redefined from the gamecube almost ten years ago, with added bloom lighting in all, you almost feel like you are samus aran in this whole world of metroid.

Cotrols - again, Perfect. The controls are slick and easy. They may have been good on the gamecube, but as prime 3 proved, they are soooo much better on the wii. You may fail at first, but after like two minutes you'll be sucked into the experience without worry about the controls. The wii-mote is soo good and easy to use, dispraxic people can use them!

.Gameplay - Engaging. With epic boss fights, well thought out puzzles and incredible enviroments, you will never have a better time.with about 20 hours maybe for each game, it's not just mindless killing like something off an XBOX. The bosses are cleverly made, from the parasite queen in Prime 1 too dark samus in Prime 3. Samus does a lot more thinking than your average UNSC Spartan, and it's not just like "Hmmm, which grenade should i use to 1-hit KO this n00b". They even put the Prime 2 multiplayer in too!!

Soundtrack - Fantastic. Talk about phantom of the space opera! This game well and truly was given the full nintendo treatment. It's deeply atmospheric and really fits the situation, showing that mic spaming isn't all that bad...

Overall - probably the best Wii, no.... NINTENDO game to date. If you don't buy this, you are missing out. If you don't have a Wii, shame on you

Thanks for reading my reveiw of Metroid Prime Trilogy