Nintendo.Famous for turning a classic 2-D side scrolling platformer into a classic 3-D FPS.Clever move.

User Rating: 9.1 | Metroid Prime GC
Metroid Prime is an amazing game,as it is my ONLY FPS[excluding Metroid Prime:Hunters Demo]!Normally,I would never touch FPSs.Usually,they are brainless virtual bloodbaths with irriating unoriginal plots,irritating controls and annoying real weapons.If I wanted to use a gun,I would get arrange a
Super-Soaker only waterfight.However,Metroid Pirme is completely different.It is'nt even set near Earth.Samus's first outing in the 3-D world is based in.....a place in the universe,where the Space Pirates are up to no good[yet again],harnessing a mutagenic,world poisoning substance,to create repulsive,freakish monsters.And it's Samus' job to stop them.This game has the best graphics on GC and some of the best in gaming.It has such realism and the framerate is perfect.The levels are never cliche and beautifully presented.The sound is great,and because of such audio greatness,playing at night,in a very dark room,provides a whole new atmospheric gaming experience.The game is a little hard to grasp,but with practice,becomes 2nd nature.This game is quite high up in the GC's back catalouge.It will be a good investment,even when Metroid Prime 3 comes out.