D@MN This game is hard!
The reason I have not beat this game, is because it is very hard and quite frankly, it gets boring doing the same part 20 times in a row.
I am not a FPS fan, but (this will tell you how good it is) this is the first FPS that I have enjoyed.
Ok, now on to the review: This game has the best graphics that I have seen on Gamecube, in one way thats not saying much because I only have like 7 Gamecube games and on the other hand it is saying tons because this was one of the first GC games. The gameplay is great: morph ball and lock-on aim are just a few things that make this more accesible than most FPS games. Other than that is a FPS like any other.
The worse thing about this is the difficulty: This isn't Halo where you simply shoot everything, it is that pluss puzzles and when you die, you go all the way back to the last time you save. So, say you spent 15 minutes trying to figure the puzzle out and then you die before you get a chance to save; yeah, it pretty much sucks and makes you want to throw your controller down and drop some F-bombs. However, even though it does make it (very) frustrted, it also makes it a challenge (unlike most of today's games).