metriod prime anouther great game
One of the many successful features of the game is the contrast between war and peace. The game flow allows you to explore freely, without much worry about risk of death. But eventually you will need to fight diffcult, but rewarding boss fights. After you defeat a boss you will get an item or powerup which will allow you to explore more freely. These boss fight are both fun and challenging, and add excitement to the game.
You are endowed with a high-tech scan visor, which you can use to obtain information about the surrounding world. Once you have scanned an object the game pauses, allowing you to take a short break from your TV and gather your thoughts. Much of the game's story is told via the scan visor. You are introduced to new puzzles, many of which require the use of the visor.
A vital component to the success of this game is a restricted view mode. Paying homage to FPSes on N64, you cannot look up or down. In order to do so, you must go to manual aim.Though this may sound bad at first, it is actually a good thing because it makes the game feel more immersive. This feature also makes exploration more difficult, and solutions to puzzles less obvious. That also may sound bad, at first, but ultimately it means the game requires more brain power than a traditional FPS, and you are ultimately left with puzzles that feel more meaningful