Surprising and refreshing all at once. Definitely not what I had been anticipating. Which is a good thing.

User Rating: 9.8 | Metroid Prime GC
When I first heard that the next lineup in the Metroid series was going to be a First Person Shooter, I groaned and complained up a storm. Super Metroid up to that point had been the best in the series, and I was getting sick and tired of 2D classics being ruined by half-baked 3D updates.

But I was genuinely suprised and impressed with Metroid Prime. Although one could define Metroid Prime as a FPS game, that's really pigeon-holing it when in reality it spans multiple genres. I would classify it as a First Person Action/Adventure Game.

Everything about this game screams quality, from the first time you boot it up till you delve deep into the game itself. The graphics are above average and the sounds fit the Metroid universe just fine. You have your standard collection of Metroid items, including the infamous "morph ball" technique, which comes in handy a lot.

The game consists of a lot of puzzles, but never to the point where you get so frustrated you can't figure out what to do. It might take you a while, but you'll get that puzzle solved, whereas some games leave you completely in the dark, and you have no clue what to do next. The challenge in Metroid Prime was pretty much spot on. Definitely not easy, but not frustratingly hard.

The aliens you encounter are impressive and really give you the feeling that you are truly in the Metroid universe.

All in all, I was surprised by what Nintendo managed to pull off with this title. I was expecting a mediocre game, but instead was delivered superb gameplay and puzzle challenges to keep things interesting.

I picked up Metroid Prime 2 but I have yet to delve into that game as of this writing, but I'm expecting yet again another stellar entry into the "new" Metroid series.

And, as a side note, you can still get your classic Metroid gaming on with Metroid Fusion and Metroid Zero Mission for the Gameboy Advance, which are both perfect games.

The Metroid series has certainly come a long way since its first inception on the 8-Bit NES, and has taken many surprising and welcome twists.

All in all, EVERY entry in the Metroid series is highly recommended to anybody who considers themself to be a well-rounded gamer.