Retro were challenged to take on one of the greatest gaming series in history. They responded with creating history.
Metroid Prime is everything that a Metroid game should be, and then some. The graphical presentation is awesome and the sound is atmospheric and maintains a true retrospect adherence to the classic Metroid games. The control is flawless and the story is engaging, to say the least. Bosses and enemies are impressive, intelligent and varied to the point that every section of the game brings the player new experiences. The environments are beautiful and lush, and filled with interesting facts in the form of scannable data. In short, Metroid Prime is a beautiful example of flawless gamedesign combined with the wonderful legacy of Metroid.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Metroid series has made the jump to the next generation, and it is wonderful. Metroid Prime is an excellent part of the Metroid series, and possibly one of the best games ever made!