A real masterpiece!
Not an standard First Person, but a really original one.
As soon as you begin the game you can note the detailed graphics and, soon, the history details surrounds you too. You can't define this as a lineal game as it keeps you going and returning and, in a way, this is very helpful to find some very well hidden extras.
The view involves a visor which gives you most of the info all the time, and lets you know of your special visors and weapons availables. As you begin exploring an abandoned ship soon you'll find traces of your old foes, the Space Pirates. It becomes clear that the ship was intended to genetic experimentation and, coming from them, that cannot be good.
About the control, it may seem awkward first, specially if you're used to the old twin sticks to control FP, but soon you realize how meaninful is having your weapons so handy.
For the sound you'll hear a great enviroment full of life in some enviroments, and misticism in others. Is very well balanced with the background music also. Make sure you take your time in each scenary to enjoy.
I left the graphics for the last as this are some of the most beatiful ones realized in a 128 bit console. It really have great enviroments and well detailed items, as well as good effects -when you first land in Tallon IV you'll see the raindrops in your visor and the water sliding it when you come out of the lake, also, the several views when using you different visors are very well done, as you'll have termic vision and x-ray, and you'll be able to see your own bones when fighting some bosses.
Finally, for the game performance, is nearly impossible to be disturbed with loading times, as they are very elegant managed. There are also some unlockables and ton's of collectibles during the game -believe, you're gonna desire finding them all!
Please make sure this one gets in your collection, preferably before Metroid 3 comes out ;-)